Jakub Kłoczewiak - CEO, Orange Customer Service Sp. z o.o., Graduate of XVI Edition I have been a corporate manager for years, so MBA studies gave me a chance for a better perspective on my professional achievements. I mostly valued team work and an opinion of experts – it was a unique opportunity to gain new experience – after years of judging others I had a chance to be judged by professionals. In no doubt I will mostly recall a visit at Illinois University in Urbana Champaign - apart from very nice and positive final of the studies I had a possibility to compare colleges in Poland and USA; approach and concept of mentoring, the way the American professors give lectures, their knowledge and personal engagement in transferring this knowledge to students. Time and effort invested in common work brought significant results already during the studies – except for my personal satisfaction I also enlarged business contacts’ net. I am confident that after many courses and trainings I took part in, participation in MBA program is one of my best life-time investments. |